viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009

Vigilante , primer capitulo

Este texto lo ire actualizando semanalmente


What is life if not a vast labyrinth of troubles and uncertainties, a mix of lies and incomplete truths, false statements, official stories?

What is a body if not a well structured group of cells, a sac of bones a bag of warm blood and an empty shell?

What is the soul is there such thing as the soul?

I once heard soul was the essence of life and what keeps it, is the virtue of men and all living creatures, is good…

Is there such thing as good? Goodness sounds much like a myth for children to grow up within a establishment of the principles of their parents. Is there such thing as a good person? Is there someone who answers to everything but their own self?

What if someone isn’t good , does that person lack in a soul and therefore lacks in life? If so isn’t it just an automates bunch of flesh harming others with their actions?

Well I do believe in dual kind of people, you know the people that have both good and evil within them. But I also believe that these duality can be disrupted and as there is people to tend to do good there is also people who tend to do evil . The second group is my quarry, thought I know that these concepts are a matter of shire perception and that we define what is good or bad by our own measurements. I do believe my measurements are pretty much standard.

Standard since I only ask of humans to respect the sanctity of the innocence, by that I mean I despise rapists and pedophiles, as well as any bastard who would trick someone to open up their body and give away their soul, so the bastard can walk away like nothing happened and satisfied as stuffed up pork. As I despise this as holes you may have also concluded I despise those who abuse the weak ones or shield in the disgusting advantage of numbers, death is what they deserve, and death is what I bring to their doors. I dislike killers, kidnapers, crooked politicians, crime syndicates and gangsters. I’m a lone wolf, but I hunt as shark, viciousness is my mayor signature. Any one who fits the groups above, should constantly look over their shoulder, for one day they will se me walking towards them, one day my blade will cut the thick air in the lungs and release them of any sorrow they carry in this life , I will kill them .

Although I despise my self some time, cause in order to bring justice, I must have the advantage…

My ideals are standard, since I don’t think most people would endorse anything I mentioned I hate. I am a person with principals and such principals are my only rule.

1- First kill

I’ve killed a quite a few crooks in my life, no one really know who I am or what I would do, this right here is how I come clean before my trusted ally claims my life, a blessing, I will no longer linger between worlds, ill embrace her, ill taste her sweet lips and let go.

With this I tell my story, with this I do not ask for compassion or comprehension, as I said im coming clean, with this I just wanna let the world know

My first kill, quite a messy one, I remember how it happen, the smell on the street, the colors of the night.

I was walking down, my mind was turmoil of thoughts, earlier that week I learn the story of a girl I came fund of, a story of betrayal, she was broken inside and that upset me.

For me loyalty was a virtue, when ever my friends were troubled I felt the obligation to be by their side, to help them, for her I wasn’t there on time, it was the second time it happened, I was angry.

I got to confess I never actually got to know fully well what went on with the, my kept showing me all kind of scenarios, from really simple ones, I wanted to throw up. I kept walking till I met the door of an old pub. I walk inside, I needed a rest, have a sit, a drink and think things through.

I sat in a corner in the back of the pub, only one beer, I felt the malted dark liquid sliding down my throat, the bitterness of its flavor, the chocolate accents to it. The thick and cold mix makes its way down to my stomach, the alcohol begins to filter from the walls in my stomach to my blood stream, not drunk, I would never be.

I fall into my mind, my senses are heightened, not far from my table there’s a group of studs bearing college wana be punks, I see them. At first I don’t pay much attention to them, as the time slowly turns the clock I have a brief glimpse of who they are, the one who seems to be lider has just slapped a girl and mocked her.

What he didn’t had before, he has now, I focus on him and his group, I cant stand that conduct. They sit there and laugh, the speak of their old conquests, their old excesses, their old abuses. My blood is boiling slowly. Ill need to steam out fastly.

Suddenly he gets to the story that would become his undoing. He speaks of her, the turquoise eyed one. He brags about what he did. I cant stand it any more, im immersed in my self im in rage. Suddenly I find my self walking their way.

-You shouldn’t brag so much about your actions- I mumbled as I got close to them.

- Oh yeah! Why shouldn’t i? – the as hole replied, he heard me.

- Cause!-

-Cause what?, Does it offend you- he stood up from his table and made his way towards me.

I rose my eyes and I replied with my head. – It does not only offend me, it so happens that I know the one your talking about, im found of her.-

- Oh I see! The fat slob is in love with her!- he was now dancing and taunting, he was mocking me, I was furious, his gang began laughing.

- Don’t need to to be in love to be found of, don’t need to be in love to stick for my friends, you ridiculous pansy excuse of a human being- Rage pored out of my eyes like molten iron, I was getting ready to act, ready to fight.

An evil grin crossed the fuckers face, he raised his arm and his companions fell upon me.

I was caught off balance; they jumped and began beating me. I fought back , my leg smashed in the face of one of the punks, I saw him falling on his ass while another punched my face. They overrun me, I was on my knees and they held my arms open, the guy in the pub were scared to death, no intervention would come.

- So mister knight in shinny armor, who the hell are your- his hand slipped into my pocket, I could not , they held me strongly, I had bruises all over my body. He took my wallet.

- Oh mister do right is a boy scout, a sissy boy scout, no wonder way we subdued him so easily!- he sang to his friends.

- let me loose, you and me , we will see who beats who, who is a sissy- I replied as spited out one of my teeth’s in a gushy puddle of blood.

He turned around and kicked my stomach just below my ribs, then a second blow stroke my face, my lights went out.

I woke up just behind a trash can across the street from the pub, the lazy bastards wouldn’t take me further. I woke up and saw the bratty dad’s boys still In the pub, I painfully sat up and waited. Again an uncontrollable flow of images made their way into my brain , I saw her, in tears, I was still in rage, but I had another motive to strike, my pride was broken, I claimed for revenge, the faggot had his ass liking gang with him.

So as an old reptilian hunter I waited for my pray to come out, two hours later the law gave me my chance, pubs had to close by now, he came out and left walking down the street, he went alone, his friends were going the other way. I had my chance.

I began to follow, I ran, to the park further ahead. I stood under the light of a street lamp.

- I still expect you to shut your mouth, and I expect you to apologies- I said slowly and dry as he passed by me.

- You again!- he froze and yield with fear.

- I see your not so thought without your crew- I was now advancing towards him.

- I don’t need a crew, you should ask her- he answered in cocky and coward way, wrong answer.

-Im not her, im not a girl and your are about to learn that the hard way-

He pulled out a knife. – so I guess ill spill your guts all over-.

If he knew better he wouldn’t had tried that move on me, I fear not the knives, nor the pistols, as matter of fact I don’t care if I die, specially if im resolved to take someone down.

My tights contract and expand as I run towards him. He slashes the air, he is clumsy his blade kissed the skin of my shoulder, a flesh wound , a stinking flesh wound, he should try to stab me, not cut me. The clumsy fucker went by me, he is slow, im faster and as im by his side I trip him and I pull hi shirt.

He looses his balance, he turns around as he falls, his back I facing towards the ground and my hand has a firm grip on his shirt.

A second became and hour and a minute an eternity, as he falls I fall with him, my knee points towards his stomach. His backs hits the ground and I can feel the weight of my body crushing the little twigs he called his ribs, his knife flies in sky as he lost it when he was tripped.

Im over him, my left hand pins him to the ground, he is crying, I don’t care. My fist moves like a sledge hammer, his chick bone disappears under multiple blows from my right hand, I knew my knuckles were covered in blood and bruised up, some of the blood was mine, some was his, you couldn’t tell his face any more, but he was still breading and could see me.

I twisted my my hits and aimed for his temple, the last thing he saw was my face covered in blood, the last thing he saw was my mad rage, the last thing he saw was my fist in the air. The first blow to his temple knocked him out, he fainted, and probably the second or third blow took his life. i kept beating until his skull opened as nut in a cracker.

After one minute I stopped. I was gasping for air, my chest was burning. I knew what I had done, I turned my self in.

Later on I was set free, apparently the knife allowed me to claim self defense. I knew what I had to do. My future was at hand, I would become a vigilante.

1 comentario:

Unknown dijo...

Que onda Gaspar? así que también tienes blog.... te agregué al mió como Blog Hermano.. espero no te moleste :)... interesante tu escrito

el mio es

